منتدى مدرسة محلة الامير الاعدادية
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مدرية محلة الامير الاعدادية

منتدى مدرسة محلة الامير الاعدادية
مرحبا بكم فى منتدى
مدرية محلة الامير الاعدادية

منتدى مدرسة محلة الامير الاعدادية
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منتدى مدرسة محلة الامير الاعدادية

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الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Support
اسم العضو:
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Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Icon_minitime1الأربعاء مايو 25, 2011 3:55 pm من طرف احمد جميعى

» اى واحد بيحب
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Icon_minitime1الخميس مارس 17, 2011 4:33 pm من طرف احمد جميعى

» لعبه كراش لعبه رائعه
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Icon_minitime1السبت مارس 12, 2011 9:17 pm من طرف تايجر الرومانسى

» أحلى نكتة
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Icon_minitime1الأربعاء سبتمبر 01, 2010 11:22 pm من طرف الباشا تلميذ

» اختر وظيفه للعضو ال بعدك:-
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Icon_minitime1الأربعاء سبتمبر 01, 2010 11:19 pm من طرف الباشا تلميذ

» تحب تزحلق مين فى المنتدى؟؟؟
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Icon_minitime1الأربعاء سبتمبر 01, 2010 9:11 pm من طرف الباشا تلميذ

» الدراسات الاجتماعية : للصف الأول الاعدادى - فصل دراسى ثانى
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Icon_minitime1الأربعاء سبتمبر 01, 2010 8:23 pm من طرف الباشا تلميذ

» اكلات مصريه:-
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Icon_minitime1الأحد يونيو 20, 2010 4:24 pm من طرف احمد جميعى

» الوجبات السريعه
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Icon_minitime1الأحد يونيو 20, 2010 4:08 pm من طرف احمد جميعى

أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
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Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Vote_rcapWindows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 I_voting_barWindows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Vote_lcap 
الباشا تلميذ
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 Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009

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تايجر الرومانسى

الاوسمة : Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 0u939911 ذكر عدد المساهمات : 257
نقاط : 744
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2010

Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009   Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 Icon_minitime1الأحد مايو 16, 2010 2:15 am

اخوانى الاعزاء

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واقدم اليكم

Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 8450
WindowsXP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 | 2.39 GB

We offer you a new build of X-TEAM Group, with an original design in
the style of dragons. In addition to the new design in the building
also has a huge set of drayverpakov with updated drivers, a core set of
PO basic necessities, which is set immediately with the System. In
order to integrate their own set of programs developed avtoustanovki
folder Soft (manual on disk)
System requirements:
-CPU: 1.5 GHz 32-bit
-VIDEO: with support for DirectX 9 and 128 MB of memory (for the theme Aero)
-RAM: 1-2 GB
-HDD: ~ 40 GB (12 GB Space)
:::::::Change Language for XP:::::::
if this version not is english ,
you can change to English or your language :
How to change Language to English
1.click start
2.click control panel
3.click region and language options (globe shaped icon)
if in classic view
click date, time,region and language options (globe shaped icon)
click region and language options (globe shaped icon)
change both address bars to english
click ok
failing that you might be able to download the english language files from microsoft
PS it is usual procedure in untouched XP
google more about Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Pack installation. (muisetup.exe)
More info:_http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/win2k/setup/changeUI.mspx
Year: 2009
Version: v01.07.09
Developer: Microsoft / X-TEAM Group
Platform: x86 (32bit)
Compatibility with Vista: unknown
Language: Russian only
File size: 2.39 GB
Net Framework 3.5 SP1 + L. P. Rus
Java ™️ 6 Update 14
Games for Windows LIVE
Microsoft Silverlight 3
Microsoft Visual C + + (2005 2008)
Adobe Flash Player 10
Adobe Shockwave Player 11
Hash Tab
Half-Open Limit Fix
User Profile Hive Cleanup Service
Internet Explorer 8
SPTD 1.59
Installed Updates (235):
KB281981 KB887606 KB888111 KB889320 KB898461 KB909520
KB922120 KB923561 KB927436 KB928788 KB929399 KB929773
KB932390 KB932521 KB932716 KB933547 KB934401 KB935551
KB935552 KB935957 KB938464 KB938759 KB939209 KB939683
KB941569 KB942288 KB943232 KB943729 KB944043 KB944882
KB945060 KB945436 KB946648 KB948101 KB948277 KB948698
KB948877 KB950616 KB950762 KB950974 KB951066 KB951163
KB951312 KB951376 KB951618 KB951624 KB951709 KB951830
KB951978 KB952004 KB952011 KB952013 KB952069 KB952117
KB952287 KB952595 KB952954 KB953024 KB953028 KB953155
KB953760 KB953930 KB954067 KB954154 KB954232 KB954434
KB954459 KB954600 KB954708 KB954920 KB955069 KB955109
KB955356 KB955417 KB955567 KB955704 KB955839 KB955988
KB956391 KB956572 KB956625 KB956802 KB956807 KB957097
KB957264 KB957495 KB957502 KB957579 KB957808 KB957931
KB958058 KB958071 KB958106 KB958149 KB958200 KB958244
KB958259 KB958347 KB958644 KB958655 KB958687 KB958817
KB958877 KB958910 KB959160 KB959267 KB959426 KB959439
KB959465 KB959554 KB959765 KB959873 KB960064 KB960139
KB960225 KB960655 KB960680 KB960715 KB960803 KB960921
KB960970 KB961118 KB961187 KB961373 KB961501 KB961503
KB961853 KB963038 KB967715 KB967756 KB967882 KB968537
KB968730 KB968764 KB969111 KB969179 KB969262 KB969356
KB969557 KB969897 KB969898 KB970084 KB970238 KB970483
KB970685 KB970775 KB971180 M884537 M885268 M885274
M886903 M887541 M887544 M887559 M887563 M888418
M888419 M888420 M8884201 M888520 M888995 M890323
M890340 M890464 M890465 M890482 M890765 M890929
M891009 M891574 M891964 M892207 M892492 M892544
M893099 M893251 M893360 M894092 M894611 M8952621
M895581 M895582 M895584 M895585 M895586 M895676
M896056 M896246 M896337 M896600 M8969821 M8989011
M899177 M899181 M900703 M900822 M9012021 M903666
M904416 M9044161 M904566 M904705 M905302 M905891
M906588 M907262 M9072621 M907432 M907544 M9075441
M907720 M907829 M908001 M9081271 M908787 M908796
M909766 M910553 M911205 M911309 M9113091 M913937
M915808 M9158083 M920978 M922542 M923754 M9267641
M9274951 M928366 M928398 M929688 M9311081 M933227
Integrated programs:
Cab Tools
Universal Extractor
Driver Cleaner Pro
Codecs Pack
MPC Homecinema
Punto Switcher
MS Virtual CD-ROM
FileMenu Tools
Folder Size
Right Click Image Converter
STDU Viewer
True Transparency
Vista Drive Icon 6in1
Visual Task Tips
Vit Registry Fix
Windows Sidebar +205 Gadjets
Additional applets in the Control Panel
Memo menu "Run"
Utilities from SysInternals
The modified sound scheme, cursors, icons, avatars, etc.
Meanwhile, huge range
A huge set of Farvebilleder
Rubik’s Cube
Naval battle
G. Kasparov in Chess
Extras. Information:
Assembling released at the personal request of the author and do for
themselves. Because of all of the software author is not responsible.
Assembling the available "as is" and download on your own volition and
at their own risk.
WARNING! This assembly provided to you solely for information purposes.
All rights to specific products belong to their copyright holders. If
you used the software of the assembly, it means that you are a holder
of a license or delete the data products for use after the trial period
(30 days). For offenses relating to the unlicensed use of the product
on the disc, by the assembly is not responsible.
Tabletka: Not required
MD5: 156157722FD437F9717BC4A1BBE5C7 7E
About file:
Enabling | reg code: not required
Language: Russian only
File format:. Iso
Platform / OS: x86/Win XP
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 8451
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009 8452

حبى ومودتى لكم

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Windows XP SP3-Se7en Dragon Edition 2009
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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